Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Vintage Theme Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Vintage Theme Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Vintage Theme Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Vintage Theme Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Vintage Theme

Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Vintage Theme

$59.80  $33.40
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  • Model: ID001188
  • Availability :In Stock
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Product Description

Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Vintage Theme

A wall mounted bottle opener could come with a bottle cap container or none. But these are always metal brackets that pop off the cap just by using one hand. The Wall Mounted Bottle Opener Vintage Theme is classic bottle opener you should not miss.

Quite Nostalgic

In the old days, shops have these wall mounted bottle openers for consumers. Bottle caps are collected underneath for those who make use of them. It makes the place easier to manage and gathering bottle caps from the floor is an annoying task that you don’t have to do anymore. Bottle caps are also eventually sold for money, while others collect them as a hobby. This bottle opener will encourage family and guests to open their bottles in one specific place. If they are returning guests, they would know where to open their bottle of refreshments. You may love collecting classic-themed items or like it because it goes with the rest of your kitchen fixtures. The wall mounted bottle opener goes well with brown or dark brown kitchen cabinetry. On its own, it’s still aesthetically pleasing, and it also serves as a charming decor.

It Belongs In Your Kitchen

This bottle opener will make a lovely addition to your home. It is better wall mounted so that you and your guests don’t need to hold it with the other hand to open your beer bottles. The body is made of durable fir wood, while the bracket and the bottle cap container is made of iron. It is sturdy, doesn’t rust, and easy to install. It’s ideal for everyday use, especially when you have parties and people need to open their juice, soda, or beer bottles. The bottle caps can easily be disposed of if you don’t need them. Plus, the bottle opener is easy to clean.


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