Cool Beverage Cup Coaster (Set of 7) Cool Beverage Cup Coaster (Set of 7) Cool Beverage Cup Coaster (Set of 7) Cool Beverage Cup Coaster (Set of 7)

Cool Beverage Cup Coaster (Set of 7)

$39.00  $25.00
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  • Model: ID001228
  • Availability :In Stock
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Product Description

Cool Beverage Cup Coaster (Set of 7)

The Cool Beverage Cup Coaster is an adorable glass or cup coaster that will surely surprise your friends or any others guests. This pine wood coaster will definitely add some fun to a coffee or tea conversation. It literally is a transformer. From a wooden animal sculptor to a creative glass coaster.

A Great Idea For A Gift

This Cool Glass Beverage Coffee Cup Drink Coaster will surely be a great idea for a gift to any friends or relatives. They will definitely appreciate receiving such a creative at the same time, useful glass coaster. Thinking about what to give your boss for his birthday? Think no more. This will be something that is practical and fun to give.


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