LED Light Up Drink Coasters LED Light Up Drink Coasters LED Light Up Drink Coasters LED Light Up Drink Coasters LED Light Up Drink Coasters

LED Light Up Drink Coasters

$24.10  $13.36
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  • Model: ID001237
  • Availability :In Stock
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Product Description

The LED Light Up Drink Coasters

The LED Light Up Drink Coasters will literally light up the party! This fun and colorful glass coasters add energy and vibe to any event. The LED changes in light that make it really unique and gives that party atmosphere. Try to be daring and different by adding these cute glass coasters to any of your party events.

Convenient To Bring Anywhere

The LED Light Up Drink Coasters are very portable. It is easy to bring it anywhere, anytime. This is very ideal when you are out camping, bars, outdoor parties, beach parties and many more. make your night hip and in style. These light up coaters operate in a very simple way. You put on the glass and it will turn the lights on. And if you take the glass from form the coaster, it will automatically turn the light off. It saves the battery.

Great Idea For A Gift

These amazing light up glass coasters are a very good idea for a gift to your loved ones and friends. Know anyone who loves parties? They will surely be grateful for receiving something as adorable as these glass coasters. What about your boss? I am sure he will be delighted having these glass coasters.


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