Wine Brandy Whiskey Liquor Crystal Decanter Wine Brandy Whiskey Liquor Crystal Decanter Wine Brandy Whiskey Liquor Crystal Decanter Wine Brandy Whiskey Liquor Crystal Decanter

Wine Brandy Whiskey Liquor Crystal Decanter

$79.00  $39.99
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  • Model: ID001239
  • Availability :In Stock
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Product Description

The Wine Brandy Whiskey Liquor Crystal Decanter

The Wine Brandy Whiskey Liquor Crystal Decanter is a product of fine workmanship. Given an elegant and classy design to be an accessory to a perfect candlelight dinner. The crystal decanter is itself a work of art. A beauty that would capture everyone’s attention. Hence, this is also a very nice attractive piece in your home.

This wine decanter has a capacity of 1500 ml. Fairly large compared to many other decanters in the market today. The wine decanter is a lead-free crystal glass.. It is healthy and safe. Also the craftsmanship is unquestionable. Cold incision process is used in making this elegant wine decanter.

Make Special Moments Immortal

The immortal moments. A perfect candlelight dinner, a birthday party, graduation or just a simple family get together. Make the Wine Brandy Whiskey Liquor Crystal Decanter be a part of those special moments. Most of all, this art piece is so affordable.


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