Nylon Mesh Filter Bag / Strainer (Set of 5) Nylon Mesh Filter Bag / Strainer (Set of 5) Nylon Mesh Filter Bag / Strainer (Set of 5)

Nylon Mesh Filter Bag / Strainer (Set of 5)

$15.99  $9.99
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  • Model: ID001275
  • Availability :In Stock
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Product Description

Mesh Filter Bag Perfect For Cooking, Tea And More

This 5 pcs reusable Mesh Filter Bag is perfect for a number of uses. Use it for tea or even cooking. You can add herbs such as cardamom, cloves and more into the bag. Pop the back in with the food and add the flavor without the hassle of trying to fish out the ingredients before serving. These bags are even perfect for making up potpourri, drying herbs, fruits and more. Use them for cooking, as a holder for natural air freshener and more.


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