- Description
Product Description
Toddler Tricycle Glide Bike Ride
Are you still not confident of giving your child a real bike? Do you think it is so soon to have one? Why not try the Toddler Tricycle Glide Bike Ride instead? This tricycle is much safer which needs no assembly at all! All your child needs to go is to glide on it and it will feel like a real bike already. This is the perfect gift you can give to toddlers on their birthdays or other occasions!
Portable Design
The best part about this ride is its portable design. No worries if you have a small space indoors or outdoors. This bike is not bulky at all and folds down for easier storage when not in use. Its wheels can be retracted and you can fold down the seat to make it smaller. Its portable feature also makes it easier to carry if you want it to bring from one place to another. You can have it inside your car without taking up to much space. Now your kids can feel like he is really biking around the park or anywhere with this super nice tricycle!
Safer to Use than Real Bikes
Real bikes, of course, has more tools installed in it than this one. This tricycle looks like a scooter but only with your kid can sit in it. And it has 3 wheels which for sure your kids will not fall down. This tricycle has no chains and no pedals which can do harm to your kid’s body. All your kids need to do to enjoy this tricycle is to ride on it and start gliding. For sure they will have fun for long hours!
Durable Quality
Made with a high-quality plastic material which makes it very strong and durable. The wheels are scratch-resistant which will surely last for a long time! This is mostly recommended for kids three and below who cannot still operate a real bike or does not know yet how pedals work.