Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server

Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server

$25.00  $18.00
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  • Model: ID001201
  • Availability :In Stock
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Product Description

Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server

The beer mug had always been the only server of beers because of their size. Drinkers prefer a good beer that they can drink with ease which beer mugs offer. It is seldom to find a good beer mug that also keeps the head of the beer coming like the Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server.

Why Is Beer With Head Better?

The Japanese prefer their beer 70% over 30% of foam and for a good reason. Many beer aficionados also have the same idea, and it has to do with the aroma. When pouring beer into the mug or glass, the carbon dioxide rises at the top inside tiny bubbles and sustained by surface tension. If you take a second to appreciate the aroma of the head or foam, you’ll found that there are specific layers to the smell of the beer that you won’t be able to detect by drinking alone. These hints and layers of scents dissipate but the foam retains it. It is why beer drinkers who don’t like foam in their beer miss out on a lot.

The Best Beer Mug Yet

For individuals who appreciate beer for being not just a cold beverage that takes away the stress of the day, the Beer Mug Self-Foaming Server is the best mug for your beer. Because it’s not just the taste, it’s in the aroma, and hints of different flavors are just awaiting discovery. This mug can bring back the foam on your beer by merely pumping the yellow lever that activates the mechanism inside its handle. It helps the liquid release more bubbles to rise at the top of the beverage. There are many kinds of beers with different thickness of foams. The amount of foam you get will depend on the beer, and still, you’re going to get to enjoy much more because of the foam.


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